Sales Presentation Template: 5 Slides To Cut And Replace

These 5 slides are sales presentation "low points." Use these PowerPoint templates to capture your buyer’s attention, frame your presentation for maximum impact, and close more deals with the Sales Presentation Templates.

Identifying the Low Points in Your Sales Presentation

Not every slide is created equal—some can actively hurt your chances of closing a deal. If your presentation has any of these five "low points," it’s time to cut them out and replace them with high-impact alternatives that resonate with your audience.

Below, we’ll break down five common sales presentation slides that tend to fall flat and provide you with more effective replacements. Whether you’re crafting your first deck or refreshing an existing one, these tweaks can help boost engagement, demonstrate value, and ultimately close more deals.

The 5 Slides to Cut and Replace

1. Cut: Generic Company Overview

A slide with a dry summary of your company’s history, number of employees, and office locations is often a snooze for prospects. They want to know what’s in it for them, not your company’s life story.

Replace with: Client-Focused Impact StatementReplace this slide with a statement focused entirely on the client’s needs and how your company is uniquely equipped to help. Emphasize specific value points that address the challenges they’re facing.

2. Cut: Feature Overload

Slides that list every possible feature of your product can overwhelm your audience. Features are important, but leading with them can be confusing and fail to connect emotionally.

Replace with: Problem-Solution SlideInstead of overwhelming with features, present a slide that frames a key problem the prospect is experiencing and follows it up with how your product is the solution. This approach creates an emotional connection and makes your offering more relatable.

3. Cut: Long Text Paragraphs

Slides filled with large blocks of text tend to lose attention quickly. Prospects shouldn’t be reading during your presentation—they should be listening to your story and engaging with you.

Replace with: Visual StorytellingCut down on the text and opt for visual elements that can help you tell the story. Use simple graphics, diagrams, or images to convey key points. This keeps the audience visually engaged while allowing you to explain in greater detail.

4. Cut: Unfocused ROI Calculations

A cluttered slide with various ROI stats, calculations, and long explanations can muddy your message. Prospects might find it hard to see how the ROI applies specifically to them.

Replace with: Targeted ROI SnapshotInstead, provide a targeted, high-level ROI snapshot that directly applies to your prospect’s industry or company. Customize your numbers as much as possible to make the value crystal clear.

5. Cut: Overwhelming Product Roadmap

A roadmap slide detailing every future update and feature can make prospects feel like they’re not getting the "complete" product right now. It shifts focus away from what your solution can do for them today.

Replace with: Proven Success StoriesSwap the roadmap for a slide showcasing success stories or testimonials. Share how current clients are using your product successfully. Social proof is powerful, and seeing tangible success from others can give your prospect the confidence to move forward.

Make Your Sales Presentation Irresistible

The key to a successful sales presentation is focusing on the prospect and ensuring every slide builds your value story effectively. By cutting out the fluff and replacing it with high-impact, client-centric content, you’ll be able to keep your prospect’s attention, deliver a memorable presentation, and increase your close rate.

Ready to transform your sales deck? Download our Sales Presentation Templates today and start replacing those low-impact slides with content that converts. Let's start winning more deals!

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